Tick My Health
Dr.Tarun Bharti

Dr. Tarun Bharti

Bachelor in Ayurvedic Meidicine and Surgery

PGD (Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics)

The Founder of Tickmyhealth Clinic, Dr. Tarun Bharti, has got a clinical experience of more than 24 years, with various chronic disorders like Joint pains, Obesity, Cholesterol, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Oligospermia, PCOD, skin disorders and many more.

According to him, 'with the experience of treating thousands of patients, I continuously realised that the chronic patients suffer because the treatment is done to reduce the pain or symptoms only.

Most of the treatment is targeted towards releiving the patient from current pain without actually getting to the root cause.

Like Thyroid, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma everywhere patient has to pop a few tablets daily to manage it for next few hours. As the medicine levels in the blood would go down, the sugar would start increasing, the BP would start rising, thyroid level would start raising or falling.

The poor patient would go on lingering till last breathe of his life, from one doctor to another, from medicine to other and from one hospital to the other. 

There is something more which should be done to eliminate the root cause.



We understand, it’s the lifestyle, the demanding Jobs, odd timings, enviornment, pollution, food pilferage etc is loading the patient with unnecessary toxins.

So to treat the body it's the detox process which is most important.

But most of the times De tox process which is not cared for at all.

When we start implementing with patients the dietary and lifestyle changes and the daily detox programmes, like IR Sauna, Nitya Virechan, Metal detox it gives quicker and much better results which are long lasting.

Enriched with so many patients experience and nutrition guideline, we are happy to share the smiles of patients.

With this venture where with basics of nutrition guidelines, detox programmes and added benefits of herbs we are getting unexpected results with chronic patients and invite you all to be a part of this journey.

  • A degree holder Doctor of Ayurveda.
  • A Panchkarma specialist.
  • PGD Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Dip in Sexual Medicine and counselling.
  • Dip in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Got an experience of more than 24 years in treating thousands of patients with various chronic disorders like Joint pains, Obesity, Cholesterol, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Oligospermia, PCOD, skin disorders and many more.
Dr.Tarun Bharti
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  • Plot No. 639, Sector 38, Near Subhash Chowk, Gurgaon

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