If you think that obesity is just obesity the fat in the body then you are wrong? The obesity has got many types and what type of obesity it is and how much fat and where it is located in the would decide the fate of my health and then treatment strategies.
There are 3 types of obesity depending upon the place where more fat is stored in the body.
There is also categorisation according to the problems associated with obesity. That is called Edmonton scale
Childhood obesity (Increase in the number of Fat Cells) It is difficult to reduce the number of fat cells that are made in the body. Though the size of the cells can be kept in check to minimize the risk.
Adult-onset obesity. (Increase in the size of Fat cells due to fat deposition happens mostly in the adults especially middle aged.
As our understanding of body and its physiology is getting deeper, we are beginning to understand that obesity is not just inert fat which is collected under the skin and does nothing, on the contrary it is active tissue.
It secretes various types of hormones that interferes in digestion, metabolism and other functions like insulin resistance, PCOD in females, sexual weakness in males, hypertension, skin problems like acne, hairy skin, blocking the viscera like Liver leading to fatty liver, pancreas by reducing the insulin secretion by fat accumulation, joint problems like osteoarthritis, proneness to many types of cancers, mood disturbances etc.
As you have seen above there are various types of obesity few are lifestyle oriented and few are disease oriented, in some cases just the lifestyle changes may help and in some where morbidities are associated serious management is required, like medicines, surgery or other parallel management like psychotherapy etc. Introducing you to the topic does not mean treatment that we leave to the experts only. But to make you understand that it is more important to make a diagnosis first then comes the management part.
If my kitchen is overloaded with water overflow, what would we do, stop the leaking pipe or clear the drain whose blockage is not letting the water to go out. Maybe Both. Once we find out the problem the treatment is always easier. That’s what a doctor does daily in his practice, like you got a fever how would you manage take a pill for malaria, for typhoid, for TB, for viral, for protozoal infection and for fungal infection all covered. Right?