Thyroid is an essential hormone for cellular respiration, without it, oxygen use and the production of co2, by the cells cannot occur.
Thyroid hormone is used by the body to produce steroid hormones which are some of the most powerful defenders against cancer and diseases in general. These hormones are pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA all of which seems to have anti-cancer, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory effect mediated by oxidative metabolism.
The production of these hormones begins with thyroid hormone converting the cholesterol into pregnenolone and subsequently it can be converted into all other steroids. So, the conclusion is without adequate cholesterol and thyroid hormone, none of these steroid hormones can be produced.
Impaired memory, increased aggressive behaviour and suicide and increased mortality from CVD, stroke and cancer are all consequences of not having enough cholesterol. Looking at the critical function of cholesterol USFDA has completely reversed its position on the cholesterol (a position they took and strongly propagated for 50 years) officially removing the upper limit of cholesterol consumption.
Research by Dr. Peat says ‘Anybody concerned with high cholesterol should know that this situation is because of deficiency of thyroid and not the high cholesterol intake. So, one should be more concerned about improving the thyroid function instead of reducing the cholesterol intake which is important for secreting the anti-stress hormones.
Thyroxine is important hormone secreted by thyroid gland is dependent on Iodine levels, active lifestyle, sleep patterns, food intake, nutrient intake and most important cholesterol levels in the blood. If you are a patient of Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, don’t just go on popping up the pills and try analyse your habits change them body and eventually thyroid will follow.