Tick My Health

What are Free Radicals in body? Their Definition and Mechanism

These are the most important particles in the body, which are villainized by the antioxidants selling companies.


What are Free Radicals in body? Their Definition and Mechanism

February 07, 2022 Admin
2 Minutes
Free RadicalsAntioxidants Missing Electron

Free radical:

To understand what a free radical is, the right explanation for science students is they are the oxygen particles with a missing electron. So, this becomes an unstable particle that would be active till it takes an electron and be balanced.

For a layman, it is energy, a spark of light which is doing many important tasks in the body but should be contained to do only that which is necessary and should subside after that. Because we all know if have the unlimited spark it would more harm than positive.

Here comes the role of antioxidants that are supposed to subside this spark. It is ok if it would stop at stopping the extra spark, but given the undue publicity and media frenzy people would go on taking a lot of antioxidants in a haphazard manner without any calculations.

Now if you have a fire in the house, just in a small room, and the fire brigade would empty 20 or 30 vehicles of water on that what would happen it would unnecessarily spoil all other items in the house. And you may end up losing your furniture, electronic items and paint, and many more.

The same is the concept of antioxidants which are doing the same in the body.

Without free radicals there will be no immunity, they are the ones who would help in killing the antigens in the body be it bacteria, virus, or fungus. We need that spark to keep our immunity levels high. The ones who are immunocompromised may not be able to produce many free radicles to counter the disease-causing pathogens attack. And will generally remain ill or will easily catch the infection.

Again, the question comes are the antioxidants bad altogether?

No, but let’s take the measures in that much amount in which they are needed or it may spoil the whole purpose of health.

Instead of taking the antioxidants in the form of artificial supplements let our food and diet provide all the necessary elements.

Our food contains what is necessary for us, the only thing is we should be aware of balancing it with the right kind of mix of various ingredients.

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